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Bursary Awards

The Grantham Music Festival Committee is delighted to offer Bursaries to any performer in the 2023 Festival.

These Bursaries are intended to support young musicians who participate in the Festival thus boosting the musical experiences of the young people and their association with the Festival but should not be used simply to pay for existing tuition.

Examples of opportunities might include attending a Masterclass, music workshop, holiday or residential music course. There may be other opportunities you have discovered.

There will be Bursaries available of £100 each.

An application should be made by the Performer themselves, with a signature from a parent or guardian (if under 18). 

Younger children may include statements from parents/guardians. Full criteria on the application form. 

Applications should be made on the Bursary Form which is downloadable here. The Busary Regulations can be downloaded here.

And either posted to the General Secretary 3, Sandcliffe Road, Grantham NG31 8DT or emailed to to arrive by Friday 3rd March 2023.

The Bursary awards will be announced at the Trophy Presentation Concert on Saturday 18th March 2023

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